Shared reading for initial literacy in students of the multigrade classroom


  • María Dolores Muegues Rodríguez Institución Educativa Técnico Agropecuario San José de Oriente
  • María de las Mercedes Colina Chacín



Reading, literacy, reading comprehension, educational strategie, educational workshop


The present research aims to implement shared reading as a strategy for the promotion of initial literacy in a multigrade classroom of the San José de Oriente Agricultural Technical Educational Institution. Methodologically, it was located in the post-positivist paradigm, framed in pedagogical action research. For the exploration of the results, the participant observation technique was applied and the field diary and the self-evaluation workshop were used as an instrument. The work unit consisted of eight children from the multigrade classroom. The results showed that when using shared reading strategies for literacy from the first steps through schooling, resorting to creative forms framed in innovative and motivational methods, their interest and motivation for learning grows. In the same way, it was confirmed that the contextualization of the spaces attending to the particular needs of the students allows for achieving satisfactory results. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a flexible evaluation before, during, and after the activities, that verify their interests, as well as using teaching techniques that provide meaningful experiences gradually strengthening the academic, emotional, and relational areas where indicators that validate the proposed objectives are displayed.

Author Biographies

María Dolores Muegues Rodríguez, Institución Educativa Técnico Agropecuario San José de Oriente

Master in Pedagogy, Universidad Mariana. Teacher at the Institución Educativa Técnico Agropecuario San José de Oriente, Nuevo Oriente, La Paz, Cesar

María de las Mercedes Colina Chacín

Doctor in Management Sciences URBE, Venezuela; Master in Educational Psychology, URU Venezuela; Bachelor in Special Education. Specialization: Learning Difficulties. UJMV (Venezuela).


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How to Cite

Muegues Rodríguez, M. D., & Colina Chacín, M. de las M. (2023). Shared reading for initial literacy in students of the multigrade classroom. Revista Criterios, 30(1), 12–30.


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