Conceptions of the development of homework for meaningful learning


  • Adriana Maribel Díaz Masmuta
  • Seidi Paola Vargas Rosero



Conceptions, homework, significant learning, pedagogy


This research wanted to analyze the teachers and students from ninth grade’s conceptions about homework development in order to get meaningful learning in Biology subject in Educational Institution Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, located in El Ingenio, Sandoná, in order to apply the improving actions through a didactic activities guide. For this reason, it is used a qualitative paradigm addressed a hermeneutical approach which is descriptive. The information collection was carried out through a semi-structured interview directed at teachers, a focus group interview with students, documentary analysis: a checklist of the Biology subject notebooks, and a diagnostic and evaluation reflection workshop in order to delve into the relationship between homework and the meaningful learning involved in carrying out these tasks. Also, it is implemented a data processing applying a grounded theory by using an information dump method through the matrix of propositions, instrument triangulation, and inductive categories. Summarizing, to talk about the conceptions in the scholar tasks development on teachers, it is evident that they do not present planning of the homework in aspects such as time, purpose, place, and materials. On the other hand, among the conceptions that stand out in the students, is to recognize the homework as a duty towards the teacher through an evaluative note, limiting the attitude, appropriation of knowledge and motivation in front of them, referring to scarce meaningful learning at the time of developing them.

Author Biographies

Adriana Maribel Díaz Masmuta

Licenciada en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental; Magíster en Pedagogía

Seidi Paola Vargas Rosero

Psicóloga. Magíster en Pedagogía.


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How to Cite

Díaz Masmuta, A. M., & Vargas Rosero, S. P. (2022). Conceptions of the development of homework for meaningful learning. Revista UNIMAR, 40(1), 76–91.


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