The Youtuber Community and the Healthy Lifestyle


  • Daniela Andrea Rosales Dí­az
  • Elsa Rosario Dí­az Terán Universidad Mariana


Motivation, consumer behavior, healthy trend, lifestyle


This article aims to present the results of the research called ‘Motivations to change to a healthy lifestyle, Youtuber Community’. The overall goal is to identify the motivations of youtubers to change their behavior to a healthy lifestyle (referred to, in this study, as ‘healthy eating’). Methodologically it was based on the school of interpretative thinking and the netnographic method. The collection of information was obtained through the review of five videos of the female community of youtubers. In the analysis of the results, a list of deductive and inductive counting and categorization was used. As a result it was possible to establish four youtubers motivations to change their behavior to a healthy lifestyle: improve their health, achieve the future vision of their body and mind, improve their self-esteem and over-come the feelings of helplessness that has caused them to carry an unhealthy lifestyle.

Author Biographies

Daniela Andrea Rosales Dí­az

Autora. Estudiante de Maestría en Investigación en Administración, Universidad de Los Andes; Administradora de Empresas, Universidad de Nariño.

Elsa Rosario Dí­az Terán, Universidad Mariana

Coautora de artículo. Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana; Licenciada en Matemáticas, Universidad de Nariño. Docente tiempo completo Programa Administración de Negocios Internacionales; Investigadora del Grupo Élite Empresarial, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosales Dí­az, D. A., & Dí­az Terán, E. R. (2017). The Youtuber Community and the Healthy Lifestyle. Revista UNIMAR, 35(2), 45–60. Retrieved from


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