Literary center to promote the study of contemporary Colombian literature



Palabras clave:

centro literario, aprendizaje, literatura contemporánea


This study aimed to propose a literary center of interest as a playful method to strengthen the meaningful learning of contemporary Colombian literature in eighth-grade A students of the Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Rosa Jaimes Barrera. Methodologically, the study was located in the post-positivist paradigm, from a qualitative approach, framed in participatory action research, considering the following phases: deconstruction, reconstruction, and evaluation of practice. 38 students of grade 8-A constituted the unit of analysis. The survey and observation (techniques) and the questionnaire, logbook, and rubric (instruments) were used for data collection. The results show that the playful activities allowed the students to realize the relevance of literary learning to strengthen linguistic expression. It is concluded that the literary works and the design of collaborative and participatory play activities strengthened the students’ meaningful learning.

Biografía del autor/a

Karen Patricia Watts Rodríguez, Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Rosa Jaimes Barrera

Master’s student in Pedagogy, Universidad Mariana; Bachelor’s degree in Educación Básica, Humanidades, Lengua Castellana e Inglés, Corporación Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR). Teacher at Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Rosa Jaimes Barrera

Mireya Castellanos León, Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Rosa Jaimes Barrera

Master’s student in Pedagogy, Universidad Mariana; Specialist in Lúdica Educativa, Universidad Juan de Castellanos; Bachelor’s degree in Ciencias Fisicomatemáticas, Universidad del Magdalena. Teacher at Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Rosa Jaimes Barrera.

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Cómo citar

Watts Rodríguez, K. P., & Castellanos León, M. (2023). Literary center to promote the study of contemporary Colombian literature. Revista UNIMAR, 41(2), 53–65.


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