Emergent reading and writing in children through the story





emerging reading, emerging writing, knowledge, skills, stories


The article, a result of research, was carried out under the academic support of the analysis of emerging reading and writing skills and knowledge in children aged 5 and 6, through children’s reading. The research was developed because, despite the existence of ministerial pedagogical guidelines about the process of developing communication skills in the transition grade, the Basic Learning Rights of the transition grade and guidelines to promote emerging reading and writing in the grade of transition, that clearly establish the different achievements that characterize an optimal development of early literacy and learning indicators that allow evaluating the degree to which they should be achieved by children, there are still obstacles in the institution, on the part of teachers, to get the boy and girl to reach these goals because they see this achievement as unattainable due to the age of the child, which is why this research draws the borders and concludes that boys and girls are prepared to phonetic, grammatical and sociolinguistic constructions for reading.

Author Biographies

Martha Lucía Larraniaga López, I. E.M . San José de Bethlemitas

Licenciada en preescolar; Magíster en Pedagogía.

Jessica Andrea Bejarano Chamorro, Universidad Mariana

Licenciada en Filosofía y Ciencias Religiosas; Magister en Pedagogía; Estudiante de doctorado de la Universidad del Valle.


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How to Cite

Larraniaga López, M. L., & Bejarano Chamorro, J. A. (2022). Emergent reading and writing in children through the story. Revista Criterios, 29(2), 57–75. https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.criterios/29.2-art4


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