Walking speed in elders in the community of Pasto



elderly, gait speed, multidimensional geriatric assessment


Gait speed seems to be the easiest way to evaluate the functional performance of the elderly people and to detect early stages of disability. The objective of this research was to determine the average and the cutoff of the walking speed of adults over 60 years of Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. The study was crosssectional, descriptive and exploratory; 426 elderly residents in the community were evaluated. Gait speed was valued at 4 meters, following the protocol of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB).

The average age of the population was 72 years (SD = 7.3); the average speed was 0.71 m/s and 0.85 m/s in women and men respectively; the general population had an average walking speed of 0.75 m/s. In respect of the cut point, to be considered a positive criterion of fragility, values below the 20th percentile adjusted for gender and height were taken into account, with the following results: 1 m/m and 1.15 s/s in women and men respectively with a cut of 1 m/s for the general population. In conclusion, older adults evaluated have an average speed below the national average (0.95 m/s).

Author Biographies

Giovana Marcella Rosas Estrada, Universidad Mariana

Fisioterapeuta; Doctoranda en Proyectos, UNINI México; Magíster en Gerontología, Envejecimiento y Vejez; Magíster y Especialista en Intervención Integral en el Deportista; docente investigadora Universidad Mariana; integrante del grupo de investigación CINESIA, San Juan de Pasto,
Nariño, Colombia.

Eunice Yarce Pinzón, Universidad Mariana

Terapeuta Ocupacional; Especialista en Gestión para el Desarrollo Empresarial; docente investigadora Universidad Mariana; integrante del grupo de investigación G.I.R.O., San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Yenny Vicky Paredes Arturo, Universidad Mariana

Psicóloga; Magíster en Neuropsicología; Ph.D. Psicología con Orientación en Neurociencias Cognitivas; docente investigadora Universidad Mariana; integrante del grupo de investigación Desarrollo Humano y Social, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Mildred Rosero Otero, Universidad Mariana

Enfermera; Magíster en Salud Ocupacional; Doctoranda en Enfermería; docente investigadora Universidad Mariana; integrante del grupo de investigación VISAGE, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. 

Alexander Morales Erazo, Universidad de Nariño

Médico Internista; Sub especialista en Geriatría Clínica; docente Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosas Estrada, G. M., Yarce Pinzón, E., Paredes Arturo, Y. V., Rosero Otero, M., & Morales Erazo, A. (2015). Walking speed in elders in the community of Pasto. Revista UNIMAR, 33(1), 191–199. Retrieved from https://revistas.umariana.edu.co/index.php/unimar/article/view/3447


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