Problem-based learning as a strategy to strengthen specific skills in Chemistry




problem-based learning model, Chemistry, matter and energy, specific competencies


In the Guacacallo Educational Institution of the Pitalito municipality, Huila, Colombia, the problem-based learning model was implemented with tenth-grade students, to strengthen specific competencies in the subject of Chemistry. The line of research was ‘Pedagogical Training and Practice’, and the thematic area was ‘Disciplinary and Media Didactics’. For the characterization of the research, the following aspects were taken into account: -determination of previous ideas in the students through the pretest, -elements that define learning, -pedagogical strategy in the subject of Chemistry under this model and, -evaluation of the specific competencies achieved (posttest). The results showed that it is possible to strengthen specific skills in students through a strategy that articulates problem-based learning, disciplinary knowledge of the subject of Chemistry, and the principles of the institutional pedagogical model.

Author Biographies

Gladys Patricia Morales Chávez, I.E.M. Guacacallo, sede principal, Pitalito, Huila, Colombia

Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente de Ciencias Naturales-Química, I.E.M. Guacacallo, sede principal, Pitalito, Huila, Colombia

Claudia Patricia Cuellar García

Magíster en Pedagogía.


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How to Cite

Morales Chávez, G. P., & Cuellar García, C. P. (2023). Problem-based learning as a strategy to strengthen specific skills in Chemistry. Revista UNIMAR, 41(1), 176–190.


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