The role of epistemology in academic formation


  • Orlando Enar David Solarte Universidad de la Amazonia


science, scientific culture, epistemology, student, research, philosophy, teacher


Research as a support of academic everyday life fi nds its basis in the epistemological roots. Harmonization, interaction and application of epistemological concepts between a subject and an object lead to forming, within the research habitat, what is commonly called the scientifi c community. Likewise, the self-observation of cognitive processes as they are given in one’s own experience and introspection, allow both teacher and student to assimilate the rational structure of scientifi c knowledge. Studying how knowledge manifests itself, assimilating the development of scientifi c knowledge and refl ecting on human thought within scientifi c culture, allows us to schematize solid thought structures that, through scientifi c essays and ideas, show results of what is truly proposes research within the epistemological process.

Author Biography

Orlando Enar David Solarte, Universidad de la Amazonia

Magíster en Etnoliteratura; Licenciado en Filosofía y Teología; Diplomado en Socio-Antropología. Docente investigador, Facultad de Educación, Programa de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia, Caquetá.


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How to Cite

David Solarte, O. E. (2016). The role of epistemology in academic formation. Revista UNIMAR, 34(2), 63–67. Retrieved from


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