Inclusive education as a strength of pedagogical practice in the classroom




inclusive, teacher training, digital proposal, OVA


Over the years, inclusion has been implemented in different educational establishments in the country, regardless of whether or not it has been correctly implemented. Therefore, it is important to know the concept and its practice, to reach the central objective set for this research, which emphasizes strengthening teacher training in the process of educating for inclusion, in elementary school teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution Chillurco, municipality of Pitalito, Huila. The methodology used in this qualitative study focuses on the hermeneutic paradigm, and action research type; the following data collection instruments were used: open-ended survey and focus groups, developed with seven elementary school teachers of the institution; this allowed evidencing not only a strong lack of knowledge about inclusive education and the way it should be put into practice within the teaching profession but also the great need to strengthen this knowledge and the strategies of the teaching profession in terms of inclusive education. Therefore, according to what was evidenced, the digital proposal of a virtual learning object -a digital tool that facilitates the development of self-learning skills- arose; it is a free and open-source software with pedagogical sequences guided by teachers, aimed at students. Its creation was designed to provide different strategies and digital methodologies for the proper implementation of inclusive education in the institution.

Author Biographies

Angela Ibeth Restrepo Riaños, Institución Educativa Chillurco de Pitalito, Huila

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Educación Básica con énfasis en Ciencias Sociales y Cultura Democrática. Docente de la Institución Educativa Chillurco de Pitalito, Huila. 

Daniela García Duran, Fundesarrollo Pitalito, Huila.

Magíster en Pedagogía; Psicóloga. Profesional de apoyo psicosocial en Fundesarrollo Pitalito, Huila.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Riaños, A. I., & García Duran, D. (2023). Inclusive education as a strength of pedagogical practice in the classroom. Revista Criterios, 30(1), 124–137.


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