Case study as a teaching strategy in re-education


  • Gelber Yecid Roa Pinto Comunidad Terapéutica San Gregorio


case study, pedagogical strategy, formative evaluation, re-education


This article stems from a research whose purpose was to analyze and to design a pedagogical strategy for interdisciplinary work in re-education, called “Case Study”. Interest was focused on the interpretation and understanding of the work done by the different disciplines involved in the educational process of young offenders. An action-research with interdisciplinary teams of a rehabilitation center was performed. Through focus groups, discussion and review of connecting logs or daily field journals, foundations of this strategy, importance, necessity, features and possible implementation tools used to view it, were described and built, understanding in this way the dynamics of the discipline of information and its effects on learning processes of young offender and his family.

This research described, analyzed and interpreted the information in three matrices: 1. Focus group discussions. 2. Field diaries or blogs, and 3. Issues of interest versus categories. It is evident the need to use a tool that enables and re-formulates both the common interests of different professionals, young and his family, as the complexity of their pedagogical processes with the professionals who serve them when a situation can lose direction and sharpen the horizon. The research proposed the implementation of the instrument and the consolidation of the teaching strategy of the case study.

Author Biography

Gelber Yecid Roa Pinto, Comunidad Terapéutica San Gregorio

Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana; Licenciado en Pedagogía Reedu-cativa y Filosofía, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó; Consejero Terapéutico de la Comunidad Terapéutica San Gregorio, Cota, Cundinamarca, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Roa Pinto, G. Y. (2013). Case study as a teaching strategy in re-education. Revista Criterios, 20(1), 19–36. Retrieved from


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