Creation of audiovisual content by undergraduate students to strengthen their learning


  • Rodrigo Urcid Puga TEC DE MONTERREY



learning, audiovisual, flipped classroom, students, educative innovation, teaching


Higher education is in constant transformation, the way in which students acquire knowledge is increasingly diverse and this is due to the constant use of digital technologies. The pedagogical techniques that teachers use for the teaching process are different and one of them is based on the development of self-learning. The primary reason for carrying out this analysis stems from the new educational didactics that are present outside and inside the classroom and how students can be involved in the educational process once the use of digital technologies is a daily activity. The objective of this article is to show the relevance of the creation of audiovisuals by undergraduate college students to strengthen the learning and teaching process. This project has a qualitative methodology, and it is based in the documented research. The results shows that the pedagogical tactic based on the creation of audiovisuals by the students, strengthens their learning and manages to create links with their academic development, and this comes with the use of platforms and devices that they have every day; in fact, this becomes a more ludic use than just entertainment. In conclusion, allowing students to design their own audiovisual content in a professional and/or academic way will strength the flipped classroom technique.


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How to Cite

Urcid Puga, R. (2023). Creation of audiovisual content by undergraduate students to strengthen their learning. Revista UNIMAR, 41(2), 145–157.


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