The teaching of the academic text in the area of ​​Natural Sciences


  • Carmen Susana Castro-Zarama
  • Paula Andrea De la Cruz-Tovar
  • Zuly Daniela Fajardo-Enríquez



academic text, teaching-learning, critical thinking, area of Natural Sciences, basic and secondary education, didactic alternative


This research analyzes the teaching of academic text in three institutions of Túquerres, in the area of ​​Natural Sciences; for this purpose, it seeks to get information from teachers and students in order to identify the academic practices used in this area for teaching and learning the contents, proposing in this way, a didactic alternative, taking into account that this area is taught in the three institutions which also have different modalities: La Sabana Agricultural High School, technical agricultural modality; Teresiano High School, academic modality with technological training; and, San Francisco de Asis High School, offering the bachelor’s degree. The objective is to analyze the teaching of academic text in the Natural Sciences area in basic and secondary education. This research determined that the academic text does not emphasize the essay, which is important because it helps the development of critical thinking; so, it is necessary to support the process of writing competence in students, in order to lead them to use of the cognitive and metacognitive skills; in addition, this text promotes research and reflection using their creativity to publicize the author’s position on a specific topic. From these bets was used a quantitative paradigm with an analytical empirical approach and descriptive type.

Author Biographies

Carmen Susana Castro-Zarama

Magíster en Pedagogía.

Paula Andrea De la Cruz-Tovar

Magíster en Pedagogía.

Zuly Daniela Fajardo-Enríquez

Magíster en Pedagogía.


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How to Cite

Castro-Zarama, C. S., De la Cruz-Tovar, P. A., & Fajardo-Enríquez, Z. D. (2021). The teaching of the academic text in the area of ​​Natural Sciences. Revista UNIMAR, 39(1), 83–95.


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