Contribution of playful pedagogical strategies focused on the game from meaningful learning


  • Luz Elina Caicedo Quiroz Universidad Nariño



pedagogy, game, education, educational strategies, educational policies


The action research was carried out under a hermeneutical approach, from a reflection and interpretation, through pedagogical strategies focused on play in the classroom of the Health Promotion Technology program of the University of Nariño, under the qualitative paradigm, in a spiral of steps that consist of planning, implementation and evaluation. The strategies of the game instructed the students towards new possibilities of approach to the community, to generate a significant learning, with true capture of theoretical knowledge, made possible in recreation, fun, reflection, and suspension of the reality of the environment, planned from the context, with the seriousness that the game implies from a fruitive, renovating, clear, coherent experience, in five moments: reflection, conceptualization, debate, commitment, evaluation. The game modified the sense of interpreting the contents, leaving the motivation to replicate in the community, to obtain acceptance and approval and transcend knowledge, beyond its internalization.

Author Biography

Luz Elina Caicedo Quiroz, Universidad Nariño

Magíster en Pedagogía; Especialista en Gerencia y Auditoría de la Calidad en Salud; Odontóloga; Licenciada en Educación Básica, Universidad Mariana. Docente hora cátedra, Universidad Nariño; Coordinadora Odontología Proinsalud S. A., Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Quiroz, L. E. (2019). Contribution of playful pedagogical strategies focused on the game from meaningful learning. Revista UNIMAR, 37(2), 27–38.


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