Argumentative literacy and critical thinking in the classroom


  • Blanca Magola Segovia de Ortiz Institución Educativa Municipal Ciudad de Pasto
  • María Elena Salazar Parra Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita
  • Nancy Del Socorro Eraso Melo Institución Educativa Municipal José Antonio Galán


argument, critical, writing, reading, thinking


The main objective of this research was to modify the factors that hinder the development of critical thinking from the argumentative literacy in fifth-grade students from three educational institutions: Ciudad de Pasto, José Antonio Galán and Santa Teresita de Catambuco. The specific objectives were: a) Diagnose the current situation of critical thinking in relation to argumentative literacy, b) Create opportunities for reflection from the argumentative literacy, and c) Validate literacy argumentative strategies proposed by researchers, from the praxis.

The changing purposes became evident in fifth-grade students of the three official institutions. The methodological orientation was qualitative, through a type of action-research with critical approach, in order to transform the problems observed in the classroom, and the environment surrounding the student and school. The applied strategies allowed awakening the critical and argumentative thinking by means of the dialogic and the interaction among teachers and participants, by accessing to the written and oral production, which led to the conclusion that the various strategies designed by the researchers were successfully validated.

Author Biographies

Blanca Magola Segovia de Ortiz, Institución Educativa Municipal Ciudad de Pasto

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras; Docente de la Institución Educativa Municipal Ciudad de Pasto, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

María Elena Salazar Parra, Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Educación Básica Primaria; Docente de la Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita, Catambuco, Nariño, Colombia.

Nancy Del Socorro Eraso Melo, Institución Educativa Municipal José Antonio Galán

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Comercio y Contaduría; Docente de la Institución Educativa Municipal José Antonio Galán, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Segovia de Ortiz, B. M., Salazar Parra, M. E., & Eraso Melo, N. D. S. (2013). Argumentative literacy and critical thinking in the classroom. Revista Criterios, 20(1), 161–185. Retrieved from


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