Philosophy of children: Reflections and contributions to the unveiling of the truth


  • Evelyn I. Rodríguez Morrill Universidad de Colima
  • Diana Jiménez Mendoza
  • Norma Orozco Camacho Universidad de Colima
  • Zian Julio Aguirre Taboada
  • Raúl Valdez Michel


Life cycle, experiences, childhood, game, thought, reflexivity


This article presents an intervention work from teaching the childhood life cycle, performing with fourth-semester psychology students at University of Colima, Mexico. It started with the construction of cases for the mode of problem-based learning which fosters the generation of conceptual development of psychologists in training, who in turn led practice in different scenarios.

From this panorama, the current hermeneutical paper explores children’s lives and their reflections are taken into account from the way they understand their reality, their perception of the environment, their relations in the modern world, and their relationships with family. Additionally, children were observed in public playgrounds, school, social and family spaces, capturing the process of development in the environment and knowing the ways in which they filter pressures when developing community resilience through adaptation, sense of humor, solidarity, initiative, the way of matching actions and games, how they move in several areas and how they reveal their expressions.

Philosophical sources were reviewed and it was done field work in intervention scenarios, recording forms of coexistence and thought, especially when it is spontaneous, while they recount the experiences; this is the reason of implementation of the hermeneutic, regarding the sense.

Author Biographies

Evelyn I. Rodríguez Morrill, Universidad de Colima

Doctora; Docente Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Colima, México.

Diana Jiménez Mendoza

Licenciada; Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Colima, México.

Norma Orozco Camacho, Universidad de Colima

Maestra.; Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Colima, México.

Zian Julio Aguirre Taboada

Doctor; Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Colima, México.

Raúl Valdez Michel

Licenciado; Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Colima, México.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Morrill, E. I., Jiménez Mendoza, D., Orozco Camacho, N., Aguirre Taboada, Z. J., & Valdez Michel, R. (2019). Philosophy of children: Reflections and contributions to the unveiling of the truth. Revista Criterios, 21(1), 255–270. Retrieved from


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