Analysis of the teaching attitudes towards the integration of ICT in the higher level; the case of the School of Foreign Languages Campus-III of the Autonomous University of Chiapas


  • Víctor del Carmen Avendaño Porras
  • Dulce Cielo Avendaño Porras


teaching attitude, context of learning, higher education, teacher training, TIC


The essential question of this research was to analyze the attitudes of
teachers to the integration of technologies in school life at the higher level
and to determine if traditional approaches maintain the paths that have persisted over the years or even decades, despite the profound changes that are evident in 21st century society.
An exploratory study was carried out, since the attitudinal dimension is a key element for pedagogical transformation; it allowed the retrieval of various
data through the adaptation of a Likert-type attitude scale applied to a
sample of the full-time and part-time teaching staff of an institution of higher level in Chiapas; therefore, it was possible to analyze and identify if there is an attitudinal mismatch between what society demands from a university professor and their teaching practice. The results have shown that teachers are going through a series of questions, whose answers provide information on their actual attitudinal change in relation to the use of ICTs in educational
contexts, which lets us establish new methods for adapting content and
methodology in this regard.

Author Biographies

Víctor del Carmen Avendaño Porras

Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa, México.

Dulce Cielo Avendaño Porras

Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, México.


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How to Cite

Avendaño Porras, V. del C., & Avendaño Porras, D. C. (2016). Analysis of the teaching attitudes towards the integration of ICT in the higher level; the case of the School of Foreign Languages Campus-III of the Autonomous University of Chiapas. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 59–74. Retrieved from


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