Centers of interest: a different proposal for a different teaching


  • María Fernanda Insuasty Cortés C.E.M. La Victoria
  • Magaly del Rocío Paz Yanguatín Instituto Colsup
  • Isabel Hernández Arteag Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


Centers of interest, teaching of English, didactic strategy, students of transition


This article presents the results of the research: “Centers of interest as a didactic
strategy for the teaching of basic English vocabulary”, whose development
was methodologically framed by the qualitative paradigm, guided by the social
critical approach, and by research guidelines - Action (IA), with the purpose of
analyzing the interests of transition students of the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de
Jesús Bethlemitas - Pasto, in relation to the teaching of basic English vocabulary,
to implement the didactic strategy of Interest Centers.
Four specific objectives aimed at theorization, diagnosis, implementation and
proposal design were worked out, using bibliographical documentary revision,
expert interview, teacher survey. A diagnosis of interests was made to the
students to determine the Centers of Interest regarding the basic vocabulary
of English, with play workshops in the implementation of the strategy, in which
didactic units were planned using the didactic strategy Centers of Interest with
their stages of observation, association and expression. The systematization
was organized using the matrix technique and analyzed using the triangulation
technique. The main results of the research show that the Centers of Interest, as
a didactic strategy, favor the participation of the student in the different stages
of the teaching process, making real the approach of the current education
where the student is the center of the process, demonstrating, in this case,
effectiveness in the teaching of basic English vocabulary.

Author Biographies

María Fernanda Insuasty Cortés, C.E.M. La Victoria

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Inglés – Francés. Docente C.E.M. La Victoria, Corregimiento de Catambuco, Nariño, Colombia.

Magaly del Rocío Paz Yanguatín, Instituto Colsup

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en educación preescolar. Coordinadora del programa de Primera
Infancia, Instituto Colsup; docente tiempo completo Instituto Colsup, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Isabel Hernández Arteag, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Docente investigadora de la Escuela de Posgrados de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Bogotá; docente y asesora de maestrías en el campo de la educación en el país.


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How to Cite

Insuasty Cortés, M. F., Paz Yanguatín, M. del R., & Hernández Arteaga, I. (2016). Centers of interest: a different proposal for a different teaching. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 31–46. Retrieved from


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