Pedagogical practices of teachers in the third and fifth grades of basic education in language from the Saber tests in the Educational Institution Concentration of Rural Development of Manaure, Cesar


  • Antonio Julio Villamizar-Jiménez Gobernación del Cesar, Secretaría de Educación, Valledupar, Colombia
  • Oscar Andrés Jiménez-Ordoñez Institución Educativa Nacional de Codazzi, Valledupar, Colombia
  • Juan Camilo Castro-Mendoza Universidad Mariana



Pedagogical practices, didactic strategies, teachability practices, Saber Tests


The research, developed in five stages, aimed to strengthen the teaching pedagogical practices in the area of ​​language, from the results of the Saber Test, at the level of basic primary education of third and fifth-grade students in the Educational Institution ‘Concentration of Rural Development’ in Manaure, Cesar. The paradigm was qualitative, with a mixed approach and, as a method, Action Research. The work unit consisted of 60 third-grade students and 62 fifth-grade students. The instruments were a structured interview and a questionnaire. It was concluded that it is important to give relevance to the aspects evaluated in the Saber Test, to check if they are included in the curricular and evaluative planning of the area, for which spaces for reflection and academic discussion should be generated, as an institutional commitment, to understand how the students learn and how to create pedagogical and evaluative strategies that contribute to the learning process.

Author Biographies

Antonio Julio Villamizar-Jiménez, Gobernación del Cesar, Secretaría de Educación, Valledupar, Colombia

Magíster en Pedagogía; Especialista en Gerencia de Instituciones Educativas; Licenciado en Administración Educativa. Docente de la Gobernación del Cesar, Secretaría de Educación, Valledupar, Colombia

Oscar Andrés Jiménez-Ordoñez, Institución Educativa Nacional de Codazzi, Valledupar, Colombia

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciado en Lengua Castellana e Inglés. Docente titular de Institución Educativa Nacional de Codazzi, Valledupar, Colombia.

Juan Camilo Castro-Mendoza, Universidad Mariana

Master in teaching English as a foreign language; Licenciado en Lengua Castellana e Inglés; Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria. Docente – asesor proyectos – jurado proyectos, Universidad Mariana. Docente de la Universidad Popular del Cesar. Docente de la IE Bello Horizonte.


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How to Cite

Villamizar-Jiménez, A. J., Jiménez-Ordoñez, O. A., & Castro-Mendoza, J. C. (2021). Pedagogical practices of teachers in the third and fifth grades of basic education in language from the Saber tests in the Educational Institution Concentration of Rural Development of Manaure, Cesar. Revista UNIMAR, 39(2), 147–170.


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