The objective of education from the text “Latin American pedagogy”


  • Juan Pablo Rosero Gomajoa



Education, Latin American pedagogical, liberation, otherness


This text aims to analyze the teleology of education in the Latin American social context, based on the work of the philosopher Enrique Dussel, entitled “The Latin American pedagogical”, supported in turn with readings of the approaches of educator Paulo Freire. The analysis is guided through a qualitative paradigm and a hermeneutical approach, with its specificity of Latin American hermeneutics, thus being able to show that the role of education in Latin America has a double connotation: on the one hand, to provide tools for the liberation of the oppressed peoples historically, especially, for hegemonic cultures such as the Eurocentric, and on the other, to teach to live in the difference, accepting and respecting the other.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Rosero Gomajoa

Estudiante de Maestría en Gerencia Social, Universidad de Nariño; Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Nariño; becario del programa Bécate 2018, Gobernación de Nariño-Fundación CEIBA. Integrante del grupo de investigación EduMultiverso, Universidad de Nariño.


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How to Cite

Rosero Gomajoa, J. P. (2019). The objective of education from the text “Latin American pedagogy”. Revista UNIMAR, 37(2), 181–187.


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