Validity of content of an assessment tool for people with cerebrovascular disease, from the International Classification of the Functioning of Disability and Health


  • Anyi Vanesa Arcos Rodriguez Universidad Mariana


Occupational therapy, Occupational assessment, Vascular Brain Disease, Activity and participation, Validity of the content


To design an evaluation tool it is essential to take into account certain psychometric properties. One of them refers to the validity of content, and this article aims to demonstrate the process to comply with this validity, used to identify if the items of the tool, measure the aspects intended to measure.From the bibliographic review, we offered information on the processes to develop the content validity, considering it very useful for studies tending to the design of assessment tools, based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, WHO, 2001).This classification has had a great impact on the understanding of disability, and this aspect motivated the design of a specific evaluation tool, held in its conceptualization, with a view to supporting the evaluation and research in the Occupational Therapy discipline.The validity of the content focuses on people with Vascular Brain Disease (VBD), who experience occupational dysfunctions that affect the performance of their daily tasks, included in the component of activity and participation that allows appreciating from a multidimensional dimension, the limitation in the activity and restriction in the participation that this population may have.The expert judgment is of great importance in the field of validity, since it seeks to identify the relevance of the items that make up the tool, the descriptive calculation of them and a content validity index, which values the item as essential in the evaluation tool.

Author Biography

Anyi Vanesa Arcos Rodriguez, Universidad Mariana

Docente Programa de Terapia Ocupacional. Universidad Mariana 


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How to Cite

Arcos Rodriguez, A. V. (2018). Validity of content of an assessment tool for people with cerebrovascular disease, from the International Classification of the Functioning of Disability and Health. Revista UNIMAR, 35(2), 315–323. Retrieved from


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