Britabot: experiences with the Educational Robotics Seedbed



Palabras clave:

education, educational robotics, research seedbed, STEAM competencies


This article presents the journey and experiences after the implementation of the Educational Robotics Workshop supported by Science and Technology ‘Britabot’ in a private rural educational institution in the city of San Juan de Pasto. There was an experimental group of 28 students, from the fifth grade of elementary school to the eleventh grade of high school, between 10 and 18 years old, and two teachers assigned to the school, to whom a training strategy was applied to strengthen their skills and competencies, through the use of the STEAM approach and tools and elements of educational robotics, which allowed them to guide their learning through constructivism and the development of a curriculum guide previously designed for the fulfillment of the objectives of the project. The qualitative research modality was used within a critical social approach applied in action research.

Biografía del autor/a

Jonathan Mateo Palma Polo, Alcaldía Municipal de San Juan de Pasto

Master’s Degree in Education, Universidad de Nariño; Specialist in Project Management, Universidad de Nariño; Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Universidad de Nariño. Educational Project Manager, Mayor’s Office of Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Marlon Oweimar Coral Vargas, Colegio Musical Británico

Master’s Degree in Education, Universidad de Nariño; Systems Engineer, Universidad San Martín. Pedagogical Coordinator Colegio Musical Británico, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Alejandra Zuleta Medina, Universidad Mariana

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences, Universidad de Nariño; Master’s Degree, Universidad de Nariño; Systems Engineer, Universidad de Nariño. Full-time professor of the Systems Engineering Program, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar

Palma Polo, J. M., Coral Vargas, M. O., & Zuleta Medina, A. (2024). Britabot: experiences with the Educational Robotics Seedbed. Revista Criterios, 31(1), 68–82.


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