Dropping out pandemic in Puerto Guzman, Putumayo





education, school dropout, pandemic


The study had the participation of 26 dropout students and 17 teachers, the rector and the president of the board of parents of the Amazon Educational Institution, in the municipality of Puerto Guzman, Putumayo; whose objective was to define the causes of school dropout during the sanitary emergency generated by Covid-19, in the students of the basic secondary and middle school levels of the institution in 2020.

It is based on the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach, descriptive type, using the technique of questionnaires applied through surveys and interviews to collect information. ICTs were relevant for the collection of information. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that technological, economic and psychosocial factors were the ones that triggered school dropout.

National research on school dropout has shown that this problem is a social phenomenon with diverse and varied causes depending on the context in which it occurs, which are related to economic, technological, socioemotional factors, among others; These factors are related to economic, technological, socioemotional factors, among others, which affirm the findings of the present study. The international studies state that during the pandemic period, the problem presented the same characteristics, but the change in living conditions meant that all aspects, in this case education, had a greater impact, since there was no precise strategy to face the new challenges posed by the Covid-19EE.

Author Biography

Ángela Consuelo Bustos Narváez, Institución Educativa Amazónica

Candidata a Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana. Institución Educativa Amazónica


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How to Cite

Bustos Narváez, Ángela C. (2023). Dropping out pandemic in Puerto Guzman, Putumayo. Revista Criterios, 30(2), 99–109. https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.criterios/30.2-art7


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