Estimation of the result of the Pre-ICFES drill and its impact on the Saber 11 Test - 2018 of students of the Santander General Educational Institution




academic performance, quality of education, comparative evaluation, educational evaluation


The objective of this research was to evaluate whether or not there is an incidence between the overall result and the result between the critical reading, mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences and English tests of the Pre-ICFES simulation, with the result obtained by the students in the Saber 11 Test of 2018 at the Santander General Educational Institution in the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca. We handled an intra-subjects or repeated measures design and a two-factor model, both with repeated measures. For their study, the ANOVA was used for repeated measures to analyze if there is contrast of means for related data (dependent or paired). From the statistical analysis of the results of the Pre-ICFES and the Saber 11 Test, it was possible to demonstrate that the Pre-ICFES tool potentiated both the overall results and the results of each subject by the students.

Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Díaz-Pinzón, Secretaría de Educación y Cultura Municipio de Soacha

Magíster en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa. UDES. Docente de matemáticas e investigador.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Pinzón, J. E. (2020). Estimation of the result of the Pre-ICFES drill and its impact on the Saber 11 Test - 2018 of students of the Santander General Educational Institution . Revista Criterios, 27(2), 173–190.


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