Teaching practice and the reality in the classroom


  • Cindy Vanessa Betancourth Naranjo


meaningful learning, pedagogical approach, pedagogy, teaching practice, reality in the classroom



This article arises to recognize the importance that represents the teaching practice in the educational process, the development of the society and the interest for exploring and understanding the impact it has had on educational thought in teaching, in order to give effect to educational purposes. Due to this, it seeks to do a reflection on teaching practice and its reality in the classroom, keeping in mind the previous knowledge, principles, characteristics and analysis of educational ideas that have far greater significance in the educational context.

To develop this text, conceptions of positivism, characteristic of a traditional school, and the constructivist of the contemporary period are resumed. Therefore, the differences between traditional teaching practice used in the school and constructivist pedagogy are established, with the aim to understand that, at present, teaching practice should focus on the interests and needs of the student according to his context.

From the most important conceptions of teaching practice, we find that for the traditional school, the teacher is the center of education, and the student, the one who receives it; in the second case, on the contrary, from the constructivist thinking, the teacher is a reflective practitioner who performs a work of mediation between knowledge and learning, in the process of building towards seeking knowledge and meaningful learning.

Author Biography

Cindy Vanessa Betancourth Naranjo

Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Betancourth Naranjo, C. V. (2013). Teaching practice and the reality in the classroom. Revista Criterios, 20(1), 101–118. Retrieved from https://revistas.umariana.edu.co/index.php/Criterios/article/view/1858


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