Impact of the graduate social worker of the Universidad Mariana in Nariño and Putumayo during 2005-2010


  • Ana Patricia Belalcázar España Universidad Mariana
  • Silvia Rocío Moncayo Quiñonez


comparative studies, professional training, professional impact, Social Work


This research is important in order to identify the appropriateness of the
curricular development in Social Work Program in relation to the needs and
demands of the context, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, enabling
knowledge of professional work, from the social and labor reality in the
departments of Nariño and Putumayo.

It makes a reflection on the identification of needs updating, which enable
redirection or curricular adjustment, seeking to provide professional
performance quality and relevance, from the reality of social and labor
context of social workers.

Author Biographies

Ana Patricia Belalcázar España, Universidad Mariana

Magíster en Pedagogía; Especialista en Pedagogía e Investigación en la Educación Superior; Trabajadora
Social. Docente asistente de tiempo completo programa de Trabajo Social, Universidad Mariana. San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Silvia Rocío Moncayo Quiñonez

Doctoranda en Trabajo Social; Magíster en Educación con énfasis en Docencia Universitaria;
Trabajadora Social. Docente asociada tiempo completo programa de Trabajo Social, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Belalcázar España, A. P., & Moncayo Quiñonez, S. R. (2019). Impact of the graduate social worker of the Universidad Mariana in Nariño and Putumayo during 2005-2010. Revista Criterios, 22(1), 171–182. Retrieved from


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