Educate for compassionate life: One of the biggest challenges for educators today


  • Luis Eduardo Pinchao-Benavides



compassion, education, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, understanding


Almost all the missionary and teleological purposes of educational institutions prescribe among their claims the longings for a more just, solidary and fraternal society, but if the compassionate character is not formed, it will be difficult to achieve such a noble ideal. This requires starting by incorporating the premise of compassion into the curriculum and educational slang, and implementing the relevant pedagogical-didactic scaffolding. Some arguments for a compassionate education are outlined in the following lines, initiative that has its roots in a classroom project called Compassionate Generation (founded in 2015), proposed as teacher research from February 2020, which seeks to build a theoretical corpus that will serve as a basis for this educational perspective. It is an eminently documentary study, focused on the contributions that Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Jesus of Nazareth have made in relation to this topic.

Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Pinchao-Benavides

Licenciado en Filosofía y Teología de la Universidad Mariana; Magíster en Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Magíster en Pedagogía de la Universidad Mariana; docente investigador.


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How to Cite

Pinchao-Benavides, L. E. (2020). Educate for compassionate life: One of the biggest challenges for educators today. Revista UNIMAR, 38(2), 245–266.


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