Restorative Practices in Reeducation Institutions


  • Gelber Yecid Roa-Pinto



justice restorative, restorative practices, reeducation, responsibility


Restorative practices in re-education institutions are one more way to enrich the re-educational pedagogical
process and complement it from the perspective of restorative care. To achieve this, for pedagogues
it is necessary to approach and understand a possible concept of justice with a restorative approach in
the context of adolescent offenders of criminal law, as well as the way to accompany, strengthen and
consolidate strategies that tend to empower and recognize in the young person the responsibility that he
has to change, for himself, his lifestyle, accepting himself as an active part of a family and a community,
guarantor of his rights and obligations. This research is qualitative, ethnographic; the participants were a
group of pedagogues linked to a re-education institution; the objective was to identify the sense of justice
and restorative practices through their description, categorization and analysis. Significant results were
obtained such as the description of the sense of justice evidenced in the institution, the eminent human
aspect that restorative justice entails, the identification of 14 restorative practices that revolve around three
application dimensions: repairing the damage to oneself, to the family and society. Likewise, other strategies
that complement these practices are described. The system of criminal responsibility for adolescents is
strengthened with the interaction, restorative practices and participation of the actors in the joint search
for durable and specialized mechanisms that contribute to the effectiveness of both re-educational and
restorative processes and, with them, to change and transformation of this vulnerable population

Author Biography

Gelber Yecid Roa-Pinto

Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana; Especialista en adicciones, Universidad católica Luis Amigó; Licenciado en Pedagogía Reeducativa y Filosofía, Fundación universitaria Luis Amigó.


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How to Cite

Roa-Pinto, G. Y. (2020). Restorative Practices in Reeducation Institutions. Revista UNIMAR, 38(2), 143–170.


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