Accreditation and quality of higher education: two purposes, one goal.


  • Luis Alberto Montenegro Mora Universidad Mariana


accreditation, Quality of education


The differences found between the evaluation models used and the approaches that
educational communities propose in terms of quality of higher education are many, varied
and acute today, since the State, civil society and the market, as systems exert social control
over public policies that runs in the country, respond to interests that are not properly
training or educational (Van Damme, 2003), because, as House (1976) comments, the systems mentioned are, since their genesis, different and they are framed in power, status and money; thus forming what Clark (1983) calls the triangle of tension, which not only considers the procedures in evaluation, but also the objectives which it arises (Montenegro, 2014b).

Author Biography

Luis Alberto Montenegro Mora, Universidad Mariana

Magíster en Etnoliteratura y Licenciado en Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Universidad de Nariño; Normalista Superior con Énfasis en Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Institución Educativa Municipal Escuela Normal Superior de Pasto. Director Editorial UNIMAR; Docente Investigador; integrante Grupo de Investigación FORMA, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Mariana.


Clark, B. (1983). Academic Organization in Cross National Perspective. The Higher Education System. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Consejo General de Universidades. (1994). Programa experimental de evaluación de la calidad del sistema universitario. Madrid: MEC.

Consejo General de Universidades. (1998). Plan Nacional de la evaluación de la calidad de las universidades, guía de evaluación. Madrid: MEC.

House, E. (1976). Justice in evaluation. Evaluation studies review annual, 1, 75-99.

Montenegro, L. (2014a). Ciencia, tecnología e innovación en Colombia. Revista UNIMAR, 32(1), 11-13.

House, E. (2014b). Ciencia, tecnología e innovación: la clave para Colombia. Boletín Informativo CEI, 1(2), 4.

Van Damme, K. (2003). Standard and indicators in Institutional and Program accreditation in Higher Education. A conceptual frame work and a proposal. Paper for the UNESCO-CEPES, UNESCO.

How to Cite

Montenegro Mora, L. A. (2019). Accreditation and quality of higher education: two purposes, one goal. Revista Criterios, 22(1), 15–16. Retrieved from


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