Research - teaching relationship in the university field. ¿Utopia or reality?


  • Aura Rosa Rosero Universidad Mariana
  • Gladys Andrea Montenegro Universidad Mariana
  • Luis Eduardo Pinchao Universidad Mariana


teaching, training, research, university


This article, a result of the documentary review, corresponding to the first
stage of the research called: Relations between research and teaching and its impact on educational quality and training of new professionals, seeks to
explore possible connections, tensions and incidences of this relationship in the training of new professionals. In this sense, it is proposed to delve into the worldview of the authors, and the pedagogical intentions and university policies on this subject, as well as subtract important basic orientations to pursue and overcome the possible tensions around this relationship. The
ultimate purpose of this dissertation is to bring to the academic table an issue
that is often taken for granted and which is considered quite well, but seen from the educational praxis can have other nuances that could be translated into mere ideals, which have not found, or at least not sufficiently, the causes that concretize them in practice.

Author Biographies

Aura Rosa Rosero, Universidad Mariana

Licenciada en Educación; Especialidad Ciencias Sociales; Magíster en Administración Educativa;
Especialista en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Decana de la Facultad de Educación, Universidad
Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Gladys Andrea Montenegro, Universidad Mariana

Socióloga; Especialista en Gerencia Social del Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Latinoamericana;
Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente investigadora de la Maestría en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana, San
Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Luis Eduardo Pinchao, Universidad Mariana

Licenciado en Filosofía y Teología; Magíster en Educación; Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente-investigador
adscrito a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosero, A. R., Andrea Montenegro, G., & Eduardo Pinchao, L. (2016). Research - teaching relationship in the university field. ¿Utopia or reality?. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 169–186. Retrieved from


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