Reflection about landmine victims from their emotions, meaning of life and family context


  • Luis Carlos Rosero García Universidad Mariana
  • Luis Ferney Mora Acosta Universidad Mariana
  • Víctor Hugo Rosero Arcos Universidad Mariana


affectivity, crisis, emotion, family, sense of life


This article reflects on the traumatic consequences of
those who have been victims of landmines, with the
aim of analyzing their emotions, sense of life and the
family context around them. The text can reveal that
from the subjectivity of each victim emerge emotions
like fear, anger and joy. It is needed to recognize
the value given to the unethical aspect in their life
project, as well as the attitudes of support, rejection
and understanding that arise in the family context.

Author Biographies

Luis Carlos Rosero García, Universidad Mariana

Magister en Etnoliteratura, Universidad de Nariño. Docente del Programa de Psicología, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Luis Ferney Mora Acosta, Universidad Mariana

Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos-Filosofía. Docente del Programa de Psicología, Universidad
Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Víctor Hugo Rosero Arcos, Universidad Mariana

Magister en Educación, Universidad de Nariño. Docente del Programa de Psicología, Universidad
Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosero García, L. C., Mora Acosta, L. F., & Rosero Arcos, V. H. (2019). Reflection about landmine victims from their emotions, meaning of life and family context. Revista Criterios, 22(1), 293–305. Retrieved from


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