Inclusive higher education and diversity, a psychoanalytic look at higher education


  • Esteban Ruiz Moreno Universidad Mariana


diversity, higher education, inclusion, Lacanian psychoanalysis, subjectivity


There are some phenomena that go beyond the curricular, pedagogical,
didactic, methodological issues, etc. in current higher education. Subjectivity
is usually excluded, seeking that the teaching involves homogenizing,
standardizing, making the totality of students reproduce the same. In the face
of this, interesting proposals have emerged over the last few years, which take
the approach of diversity, and, to a lesser extent, inclusion, to give a different
place to the agents of higher education. On the other hand, the Lacanian
psychoanalysis contributes significantly to the problematic of subjectivity, a
concept that allows retaking to some extent the terms diversity and inclusion.
Taking into account the above, it may be asked: How to understand the
possibilities of diversity and inclusion in Colombian higher education? What
contributions can provide psychoanalysis to support some kind of proposal
in this regard? The questions raised in the first place will guide the present
reflection on higher education and psychoanalysis, in order to provide some
contributions to diversity, to a greater extent, and to inclusion as a construct
of solidarity with the first one.
The approaches of psychoanalysis are proposed with reference to the
theories and developments of Jacques Lacan, author of great relevance
of the history of psychoanalysis, to the point of originating a trend of
psychoanalysis called Lacanian psychoanalysis. Regarding diversity in the
educational field, some authors of international relevance are taken up
because of their relevance at the present time.

Author Biography

Esteban Ruiz Moreno, Universidad Mariana

Psicoanalista, Foro de Psicoanálisis del Campo Lacaniano de Pasto - IF; Psicólogo. Profesor tiempo
completo de Psicología, profesor investigador Maestría en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana. Integrante del grupo de investigación INDAGAR. San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Moreno, E. (2016). Inclusive higher education and diversity, a psychoanalytic look at higher education. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 15–29. Retrieved from


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