Implementation of didactic sequences in the reading and writing process for 9th grade students at the San José Educational Institution in the municipality of Curumaní, Cesar


  • Liyis Nerelsis López-Torres Institución Educativa San José Curumaní, Cesar
  • Katry Darlee Fragozo-Acosta Colegio Windsor School



didactic sequence, reading and writing process, reading and writing skills


The objective of this research was the development of reading and writing skills through the implementation of didactic sequences in the teaching-learning process in 9th grade students of the San José Educational Institution, in the municipality of Curumaní, Cesar. It was located in the qualitative paradigm, under the Pedagogical Action Research design, using the non-experimental method, which sought to generate transformation in the educational context from the application of didactic sequences. The selected group was evaluated through the didactic sequences implemented in the pedagogical events, direct observation, and the creation of a blog, concluding that, the didactic sequence in conjunction with the blog, facilitated the development of reading and writing skills for the ninth grade students, which contributed successfully not only with their process in the subject but in other areas of knowledge.

Author Biographies

Liyis Nerelsis López-Torres, Institución Educativa San José Curumaní, Cesar

Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana. Especialista en Lúdica Educativa, Universidad Juan de Castellanos. Licenciada en Educación Primaria con énfasis en Español y Literatura, Universidad del Atlántico. Docente Titular de la I.E. San José Curumaní, Cesar, Colombia.

Katry Darlee Fragozo-Acosta, Colegio Windsor School

Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana. Licenciada en Lengua Castellana e Inglés, Universidad Popular del Cesar. Docente colegio Windsor School.


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How to Cite

López-Torres, L. N., & Fragozo-Acosta, K. D. (2021). Implementation of didactic sequences in the reading and writing process for 9th grade students at the San José Educational Institution in the municipality of Curumaní, Cesar. Revista UNIMAR, 39(1), 8–28.


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