Wlingua Tool: Strategy for improving English reading comprehension


  • Ana Patricia Martí­nez Pérez Programa Todos Aprender
  • Paula Andrea Urbano Gómez


Reading comprehension, English, Wlingua program


Knowing the importance of the English language nowadays for this globalized world, it is necessary to think carefully about students and the process that must be followed so that the acquisition of this foreign language is effective and efficient.For some students, one of the complications of learning a new language, beyond lack of motivation or desire, is to understand a text. Therefore, this article shows the implementation of the Wlingua tool to strengthen reading comprehension in the English language, as a strategy to encourage reading in an interactive, striking and easy way to use.The project was undertaken from the qualitative paradigm, and was approached with the critical social approach and the action-research method.

Author Biographies

Ana Patricia Martí­nez Pérez, Programa Todos Aprender

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Inglés - Español. Docente Tutor, Programa Todos Aprender, Nariño, Colombia.

Paula Andrea Urbano Gómez

Magíster en Pedagogía; Licenciada en Inglés – Francés.


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How to Cite

Martí­nez Pérez, A. P., & Urbano Gómez, P. A. (2017). Wlingua Tool: Strategy for improving English reading comprehension. Revista UNIMAR, 35(1), 29–36. Retrieved from https://revistas.umariana.edu.co/index.php/unimar/article/view/1434


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