Audiovisual and Popular Culture Reimagining Oral Tradition



Oral, image, popular culture, re-imagination, audiovisual, Quinde.


First of all, I’m interested in the relationship that establishes the production-circulation-visual involvement with the aesthetics of popular culture. Second, I try to explain audio visual communication as a field whose significance is re-imagination related to the outside background that affects it. The audiovisual creations are not autonomous and closed, but a portal of entry and exit that encourages social development as visible integral elements of the process, for instance, regarding symbolic ancestral territories and popular imagination, empowering critically and creative style in the community against its own identity and for the recognition of differences. And finally, I propose the re-imagination of popular culture from the multimedia production that weaves the oral tradition, writing and the image; in its palimpsest that fuzzily merges the past with the present. It concerns then, the re-appearance, re-assessment, re-presentation by ownership of the plot and the popular cultural, background processes narrating their imaginary worlds that weave the poetic map and political map to listen, read and watch them, in order to get back to their territories, where they continue a new search of representation, outside of “folklore”, the “popular expression” or overcrowding, concepts with which the “official culture” sets an aesthetic and ideological degradation.


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How to Cite

Goyes Narváez, J. C. (2012). Audiovisual and Popular Culture Reimagining Oral Tradition. Revista Criterios, (1), 39–57. Retrieved from


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