Cognitive-emotional self-regulation, a strategy for the development of socio-emotional skills


  • Sara Esperanza Lucero Revelo Universidad Mariana


self-regulation, cognitive-emotional, mental molds


This article is intended to present the theoretical review, basic foundation for the research process of the study on the influence of cognitive-emotional self-regulation and the development of socio-emotional skills in the initial training of teachers in the south western Colombia. The method used for the literature review began with the questions: what is known about the topic? What was investigated? And what aspects need to go further? They were later established the pre theoretical and pre methodical phases for the construction of a theoretical framework of the research, clearly directing the investigative process. The literature review helped outline a comprehensive approach to the cognitive and emotional self-regulation, as a basic aspect for the de-velopment of socio-emotional skills, from basic theoretical concepts of Goleman and Hernandez.

Author Biography

Sara Esperanza Lucero Revelo, Universidad Mariana

Doctoranda en Educación; Doctora en Psicorehabilitación; Magíster en Educación de Adultos; Especialista en Pedagogía para el Desarrollo del Aprendizaje Autónomo; Psicóloga; Licenciada en Educación. Docente investigadora integrante del grupo de investigación INDAGAR de la Facultad de Posgrados y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Lucero Revelo, S. E. (2015). Cognitive-emotional self-regulation, a strategy for the development of socio-emotional skills. Revista UNIMAR, 33(2), 81–96. Retrieved from


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