The novel and its importance to re-interpret the knowledge that we have about the world


  • Edgar Yesid Niño Arteaga Universidad de Nariño


Literary creation, literature and social context, readings of the world, interpretation and multiplicity, history of the novel


The novel is the possibility evoked on the colorful trail of esthetic resource. It is the rapport among painting, music, poetry, theater, and other experiences, asserted themselves as opportunities arising from the thought and feel human. The history of the novel is displayed in an amazing objectivity, regarded as a maze where the human being, by resisting the powerful adversity that comes from only one way of interpreting the world, discovers exceptional circumstances that restore the (human) integrity and allow new ways to visualize and feel the world through the power of thought. The following text will try to show the reader the diversity thematic and variety of styles underlying this literary genre, as well as its dynamics in the social context and the possibilities of knowledge that the novel develops and transforms from its reading.

Author Biography

Edgar Yesid Niño Arteaga, Universidad de Nariño

Magíster en Etnoliteratura, Universidad de Nariño; Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Nariño; Docente universitario en el área de Literatura; Departamento de Humanidades y Filosofía de la Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Niño Arteaga, E. Y. (2019). The novel and its importance to re-interpret the knowledge that we have about the world. Revista Criterios, 21(1), 139–155. Retrieved from


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