Impact of the Master’s Degree in Health Administration through its graduates, 2013 - 2016


  • Marco Antonio Chamorro Lucero Universidad Mariana
  • Ximena Alexandra Hoyos Patiño Universidad Mariana



Impact, Graduates, Postgraduate, Administration, Health


DOI: 10.31948/rev.criterios.25.1-art-2

This article aims at determine the impact of the Master's Degree in Health Administration through its graduates and students who have already finished and have not received the degree, during the period 2013-2016. The followed methodology was a mixed, sequential, quantitative descriptive and cross-sectional approach, with a sample of 63 participants, and qualitative narrative type with 12 participants. Results: female predominance was found and an average age of 40 years, the percentage of non-graduated graduates was low and they associated this condition to the lack of completion of their degree work. The majority of the graduates are linked to work in areas related to masters and perceive the program positively, although they find shortcomings in relation to the research training and the theoretical component of the current curriculum. Conclusion: the program has a positive impact, from the perspective of graduates and students who have already finished and have not received the degree, however there are aspects to improve, for which this study defines guidelines to take into account in subsequent improvement plans.


Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Chamorro Lucero, Universidad Mariana

Docente e investigador. Grupo de investiga-ción GIESUM. Facultad de Posgrados y Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Mariana, Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Ximena Alexandra Hoyos Patiño, Universidad Mariana

Docente Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Lucero, M. A., & Ximena Alexandra. (2018). Impact of the Master’s Degree in Health Administration through its graduates, 2013 - 2016. Revista Criterios, 25(1), 27–37.


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