From theoretical training to epistemic thinking in postgraduate Education in Latin America



Palabras clave:

Theoretical foundation, hospitality and epistemic equity, epistemic thinking, educational research, higher education


The development of skills and capacities for research in educational sciences represents a narrative-reflective environment for the construction of autonomous and self-managed theoretical and epistemic thinking. Narrative processes are the connection between life literature and scientific literature, connecting the postgraduate educational path and the subjective and intersubjective construction project of the students. This paper aims to analyze the difficulties and opportunities that the students in these programs have in constructing their theoretical frameworks in the development of their dissertations in a way that allows them to move from a theorizing exercise to epistemic thinking. The research uses a qualitative participatory methodology with a phenomenological orientation. The main important findings showed the need for more narrative skills to use analytical categories in conceptual construction. The theoretical foundation in the development of their postgraduate studies in educational sciences represents a narrative laboratory for the construction of plural epistemologies, epistemic hospitality, and equity which enables the transition from a theoretical foundation to an epistemic thinking through a hospitable, equitable, and inclusive dialogue.

Biografía del autor/a

César Correa-Arias, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

Doctor in Education, Universidad de Toulouse Le Mirail II. Université Jean Jaurès. Researcher-Professor Full time in the Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Member of the Research Group (Academic Body) Ecología Cultural y Sociedad. UDF-CA-1177. SEP-Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Member of the National System of Researchers, CONACYT, México.

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Cómo citar

Correa-Arias, C. (2024). From theoretical training to epistemic thinking in postgraduate Education in Latin America . Revista UNIMAR, 42(1), 87–102.


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