Reality and actuality of scientific writing


  • Luis Alberto Montenegro Mora Universidad Mariana


Scientific writing is one of the major requirements for those teachers and academic researchers in the area of knowledge in particular; through this, all the perceptions, result of processes of inquiry and reflection are exposed, and also they will be located on a global level, in order to submit to the opinion of the acade-mic community.Since ancient times, man has had the ability to communicate; however, the written communication, and even more so the scientific, are relatively new. Proofs of this are the first magazines known, which have more than 300 years of history. Even though the man had prior knowledge, inherited through the oral tradition, it was not until the construction of appropriate mechanisms for the appropriation of knowled-ge -the writing-, that it has made significant progress since the information is not lost or detracted, as with orality.

Author Biography

Luis Alberto Montenegro Mora, Universidad Mariana

Director/Editor Editorial UNIMAR; Docente Investigador, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Montenegro Mora, L. A. (2015). Reality and actuality of scientific writing. Revista UNIMAR, 33(1), 11–19. Retrieved from


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