Football and sense of belonging of amateur pastusos during 2002 and 2003


  • Carlos Andrés López Ceballos Universidad Minuto de Dios


emotion, football, cultural identity, social interaction, symbolism, meaning


This article presents the most revealing findings in relation to the different meanings generated by football and the Deportivo Pasto team, which debuted in category A of Colombian professional soccer since 1999, in the sense of belonging to fans from Pasto.Football was taken as a pretext to describe the interactional links that the fans weave, as well as the emotions they express due to the soccer “fever” and the symbols and meanings that they build around this sport, as a psychosocial phenomenon that mobilizes those behaviors that represent part of their complex sociocultural identity.Football usually integrates people from Pasto and renews their sense of belonging; they are people of different economic, cultural or social condition and are around a same fervor; soccer offers the excuse to create in them a deep joy of proximity for the fact of sharing and feeling identified in thoughts and in affection towards their land and their home team.

Author Biography

Carlos Andrés López Ceballos, Universidad Minuto de Dios

Magíster en Psicología Empresarial y Organizacional; Psicólogo. Profesor Universidad Minuto de Dios; Psicólogo, Servicios de Salud Amigable para Adolescentes y Jóvenes, Secretaria de Salud Medellín, Metrosalud.


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How to Cite

López Ceballos, C. A. (2017). Football and sense of belonging of amateur pastusos during 2002 and 2003. Revista UNIMAR, 35(1), 83–92. Retrieved from


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