The contribution of professionalization courses in the Graphic design profession to the promotion of entrepreneurship




Design, graphic designer, business, university competency, entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship is an aptitude that must be cultivated, learned, and put into action. Therefore, in this research we have collected and established the perceptions of the eighth-level students of the Graphic Design career of the Universidad Técnica del Norte regarding which subjects have strengthened their entrepreneurial spirit and how they feel in relation to this ability, on the verge of entering the labor market. The methodology used a mixed approach with qualitative and quantitative tools, applied to a specific population of students who completed the curriculum of the 2019-2023 graduating class. The results highlight that Branding is the subject that provided them with the most knowledge and skills to develop and promote entrepreneurship, followed by subjects such as Creativity, Advertising Design, Audiovisual Production and Photography, which also contributed significantly to an entrepreneurial mindset. This shows that creativity, the use of technological tools, branding and production are key elements in the creation of new businesses or ventures at the end of their studies.

Author Biographies

Ana Lucía Mediavilla-Sarmiento, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Magíster en Comunicación Organizacional, docente ocasional a tiempo completo de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Ecuador

Santiago David Loaiza Polo, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Magíster en Marketing, mención estudios del consumidor, docente investigador de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Ecuador

Luis Estuardo Braganza Benítez, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Magíster en Gestión y Diseño Web, docente investigador de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Mediavilla-Sarmiento, A. L., Loaiza Polo, S. D., & Braganza Benítez, L. E. (2024). The contribution of professionalization courses in the Graphic design profession to the promotion of entrepreneurship. Revista Criterios, 31(1), 132–145.


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