Reflection on methodological and pedagogical criteria in the learning process: traditional education


  • Bárbara Laid Ojeda Cortes Universidad Mariana
  • Ximena Alexandra Luna M. Institución Educativa San Francisco de Asís


traditional education, methodological criteria, pedagogical criteria, knowledge as power


This article of reflection is the result of a research project entitled “Socio-cultural, familiar and methodological factors that influence in students’ learning in grades 6 and 7 of San Francisco de Asís school, municipality of El Peñol - Nariño” whose aim was to show how the methodological and pedagogical criterias play an important role in the teaching-learning process and the gestated results in traditional education.

Similarly, the text seeks to contribute to the constant reflection required of the educator or teacher who dares to question and enquire the practices, the relationships between teacher - student, the exercise of authority and knowledge as power, etc., same that are visible in the reflection aimed at any educational level or during the training process.

To collect information and conduct the relevant analysis, it was used the social-critic-qualitative paradigm, through ethnographic method and basically the technique of content analysis, which provides investigative and reflective tools for reviewing internal and external texts, and gets in this way the contribution to this article.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Laid Ojeda Cortes, Universidad Mariana

Candidata a Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Nariño; Asesora de Investigación, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

Ximena Alexandra Luna M., Institución Educativa San Francisco de Asís

Maestrante en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana; Docente Institución Educativa San Francisco de Asís, corregimiento de San Francisco, municipio de El Peñol, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Cortes, B. L., & Luna M., X. A. (2013). Reflection on methodological and pedagogical criteria in the learning process: traditional education. Revista Criterios, 20(1), 187–201. Retrieved from


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