Chroniclers, History and Mythology


  • Osvaldo Granda Paz Universidad de Nariño


Andes, chroniclers, ethno literature, indigenous, mythology


A chronological tour is made in this work about the
presence of the mythical in the first chronicles during
the conquest and the American colony. The presence of imaginary elements that are constructing the vision
of the otherness of the American Indian is posed.
It highlights the most visible aspects of the way in
which the chroniclers and the most publicized works
appear, which are, in short, those that build for the
years after the image and the supports of the original
American cultures, on which they are developed, to a
large extent, the meanings and the vision of the other
in contemporary times. The methodology was based
on comparative literature. Preliminary conclusions
are presented, since this is an introduction to a
systematic compilation of these period works.

Author Biography

Osvaldo Granda Paz, Universidad de Nariño

Magíster en Etnoliteratura. Docente de la Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Granda Paz, O. (2016). Chroniclers, History and Mythology. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 231–248. Retrieved from


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