Analysis of physicochemical parameters in a biological reactor in the treatment of leached sludge from Doña Juana Sanitary Landfill


  • Álvaro Chávez Porras Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Luis Felipe Pinzón Uribe Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Nicolás Casallas Ortega Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


Landfill, leached sludge, activated sludge, prolonged aeration and environmental impacts


Landfills are designed so that the least possible amount of environmental impacts can develop within their operation; however, a disproportionate increase in waste results in an increase in the production of leachates, compounds disposed in appropriate treatment plants. As a result of this process, a waste known as ‘leachate sludge’ is generated. In the case of the Doña Juana Landfill (RSDJ), in Bogota, Colombia, an average of 6,300 t / day of waste are received; 20.6 L / s of leachate are treated and 600 t / day of leachate sludge are produced, stored without any type of treatment.

This research sought to establish the efficiency of sludge treatment by means of a pilot biological reactor of the ‘Activated Sludge System’, supplemented with prolonged aeration, in order to reduce the pollutant load values. Finally, a removal efficiency greater than 80% was obtained in the parameters evaluated by the pilot system, and it must be taken into account, in the case of the RSDJ, to comply with the current environmental regulations (Resolution 0631 of 2015), which is regulated on the basis of the concentration of pollutants and not in relation to removal efficiency.


Author Biographies

Álvaro Chávez Porras, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniero Industrial, Ph.D., Profesor Asistente, Líder Grupo PIT, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cajicá, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Luis Felipe Pinzón Uribe, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniero Geógrafo, Ph.D., Profesor Asociado, Investigador Grupo PIT, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

Nicolás Casallas Ortega, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Ingeniero Ambiental, Esp., Asistente de Investigación Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.


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How to Cite

Chávez Porras, Álvaro, Pinzón Uribe, L. F., & Casallas Ortega, N. (2017). Analysis of physicochemical parameters in a biological reactor in the treatment of leached sludge from Doña Juana Sanitary Landfill. Revista UNIMAR, 35(2), 211–219. Retrieved from


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