Selection criteria for distribution channel of beef cattle in Meta Department


  • Martha Lucia Vargas Bacci Universidad de los Llanos


criteria, distribution channels, beef cattle, selection


Through the methodology of multicriteria analysis and following an exploratory model, we determined the selection criteria that have infl uenced the choice of distribution channels of beef catt le in Meta department. The information was grouped into three criteria: fi nancial, security and marketing. Each of the producers assigned weights to each criterion according to their importance in the selection of the distribution channel. To sum up, the most relevant criteria were: 1) Profi tability; it must be projected as a goal in accordance with national conditions and possibilities of productivity; 2) Antiquity; criterion that gives more confi dence to the catt leman in the aspects of economic type to have certainty of the payment and the knowledge that the intermediary provides of the business; 3) Sales volume; it’s common the placement of livestock to the market, made stationary and of considerable volume.

Author Biography

Martha Lucia Vargas Bacci, Universidad de los Llanos

Magister en Mercadeo Agroindustrial ( Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano), Especialista en Mercadeo Agropecuario ( Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano), Médico Veterinario y Zootecnista (Universidad de los Llanos).Profesor Auxiliar Universidad de los Llanos (Meta, Colombia), integrante del grupo de investigación Territorio y Ambiente;


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How to Cite

Vargas Bacci, M. L. (2016). Selection criteria for distribution channel of beef cattle in Meta Department. Revista UNIMAR, 34(2), 121–134. Retrieved from


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