Enfoque y alcance

The Revista UNIMAR is an open-access scientific journal, which falls within the area of Social Sciences. It is edited by Editorial UNIMAR of the Universidad Mariana, Colombia, and is aimed at researchers, academics, authors, and readers, both national and international. Its periodicity is semi-annual. Its purpose is the publication and dissemination of articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, mainly in the following types: a) research; b) reflection; c) review; and (d) short articles. The costs of the editorial processes and procedures are assumed by the publishing entity.

Full title: Revista UNIMAR

Short title: Rev. Unimar

Printed ISSN: 0120-4327

ISSN Online: 2216-0116

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/Rev.unimar

Periodicity: semi-annual, two issues per year: 1. January - June and 2. July - December.

Responsible entity: Editorial UNIMAR – Universidad Mariana

Creation date: 1982

Address: Cl 18 #34 - 104, Versalles, Pasto, Nariño

Postal Code: 520002

Mail: editorialunimar@umariana.edu.co


Open Access Policy

The Revista UNIMAR of the Editorial UNIMAR of the Universidad Mariana is a free access publication, so that it can be viewed and downloaded from the Open Journal System (OJS) platform in PDF and HTML format, whose purpose is to contribute to the generation, disclosure, transfer, and dissemination of new knowledge.


Free publication

Participation in the calls for the reception of articles has no cost for the authors, nor for their publication.