Elements of prospective planning that favor the management of science, technology, and innovation in public universities





prospective planning, prospective methods, prospective approaches, science, technology and innovation, intellectual property


The development of this research is aimed at generating strategic guidelines that allow strengthening prospective planning as a tool for the management of science, technology, and innovation in public universities, supported by the theoretical contributions of expert authors on the subject. For this purpose, explanatory research was used, using a non-experimental, transactional, field design, collecting the information through a survey, which was subjected to reliability analysis through Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, obtaining a result of 0.96, interpreting the degree of reliability of the instrument as very high for its application. The results of the research confirm that the application of prospective planning in public universities has a favorable effect on management; its main characteristics are the use of suitable mechanisms that promote in a certain way the exchange of ideas, the unification of criteria, the resolution of conflicts, sharing visions as research teams and favoring management. It is concluded that, in university institutions, the production of scientific knowledge, affordable to the community, is encouraged, seeking to promote research initiatives and the production of scientific knowledge that results in social welfare, through the development of scientific research projects within the autonomous universities of the departments of La Guajira and Cesar, to strengthen prospective planning in public universities.

Author Biography

Uris Vladimir Collantes Daza, Institución Educativa Isabel María Cuesta González, Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia.

Magíster en Informática Educativa; Ingeniero Pesquero. Docente de aula Institución Educativa Isabel María Cuesta González, Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Collantes Daza, U. V. (2022). Elements of prospective planning that favor the management of science, technology, and innovation in public universities. Revista Criterios, 29(2), 38–56. https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.criterios/29.2-art3


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