Ancestral stories: an alternative for the preservation of the oral cultural identity of the Inga territory




cultural identity, oral tradition, ancestral stories


Within the framework of the research project “Strengthening the oral cultural identity of students in grade 8 of the Institución Educativa Agropecuaria Inga de Aponte”, one of its chapters was aimed at identifying those ancestral stories that are used in the Inga de Aponte reservation, for the transmission and preservation of their own knowledge. Given the importance of the results that were extracted, this was chosen as the main purpose for the dissemination of the results in this article.

Considering the importance that the ancestral stories represent in the transmission of their own knowledge that is given from generation to generation, it was proposed to identify those that are used in the Inga territory, through the documentary review of the Comprehensive Mandate of Life and the self-report that was carried out with the Greatest Knowledgeable, finding that the Inga reservation has its own stories, which have been compiled and recorded in this document, both by the Greatest Knowledgeable and by the students of the institution.

In addition, it was found that the ancestral stories, unlike the myths, represent for the Inga community, true stories that have happened on the reservation, to leave teaching, predict the future, act as social correctives, transmit and preserve their own knowledge, which is why it was determined to include them in the proposal of strategies for the strengthening of cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Otavo Rodríguez, G., & Portilla Narváez, M. . L. (2022). Ancestral stories: an alternative for the preservation of the oral cultural identity of the Inga territory. Revista Criterios, 29(2), 26–37.


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