Level of physical activity, physical condition, cardiovascular risk and body mass index in schoolchildren from Pasto





Physical activity, adolescents, body composition, physical ability tests


Physical activity and fitness levels play a critical role in preventing overweight and obesity during childhood and adolescence. Methodology: Descriptive-correlational quantitative study; sample made up of 196 schoolchildren aged 12-15 years. Results: 47% of the schoolchildren are in a level of physical inactivity; cardiovascular risk was found in 8% of schoolchildren; about the body mass index, 80% presented normal weight; regarding the right-hand grip strength, 78% is low and very low; in long jump, 68% are in low and very low level; in speed and agility it was found that 72% are in low and very low level; the association between BMI * Cardiovascular risk, BMI * Waist circumference, BMI * Triceps crease, BMI * Subscapular crease, Cardiovascular risk * Right-hand grip strength, Cardiovascular risk * Waist circumference, Cardiovascular risk * Triceps crease, Risk cardiovascular * Subscapular fold analysis reported p values ​​<0.05. Conclusions: physical inactivity and very low and low physical condition predominate in schoolchildren; therefore, the evaluation of physical condition at an early age is essential to implement programs to promote physical activity; in addition, these programs should not be restricted only to recommendations made by healthcare professionals; a broad and intense population strategy is required to be able to modify the current trend of increasing inactivity and poor physical condition.

Author Biographies

Jonathan Muñoz-Luna, Universidad Mariana

Especialista en actividad física para la salud de la Universidad del Cauca, Fisioterapeuta de la Universidad del Cauca. Docente del Programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad Mariana. Integrante del grupo de investigación Cinesia.

Rosa Helena Eraso-Angulo, Universidad Mariana

Especialista en Intervención fisioterapéutica en ortopedia y traumatología. Docente del Programa
de Fisioterapia de la Universidad Mariana.

Sandra Martínez Canchala

Fisioterapeuta, Universidad Mariana.

Jorge Toro-Trejo

Fisioterapeuta, Universidad Mariana.

David Zambrano-Bravo

Fisioterapeuta, Universidad Mariana


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Luna, J., Eraso-Angulo, R. H., Martínez-Canchala, S., Toro-Trejo, J., & Zambrano-Bravo, D. (2021). Level of physical activity, physical condition, cardiovascular risk and body mass index in schoolchildren from Pasto. Revista Criterios, 28(1), 122–141. https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.criterios/28.1-art6


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