Student leaders improving school interaction


  • Luis Francisco Melo Rosero Fundación Universitaria Claretiana
  • Luis Hernán Miramag Chachinoy Docente investigador independiente.


meeting, students, school interaction, leadership, school transformation


The research is contained in the field of school leadership that comes from student to student and for the entire school community; therefore the proposal with the student leaders is mainly based on meetings to improve school interaction inside the Educational Institution La Rosa of Pasto.

This research exercise showed evidence in three aspects: the first, the research and the continuous deepening of the impact of the student as a leader and teaching builder. The second aspect, the representative of the group, passing from individual figure to participation / communion, contained at the same time in three dimensions: emotional, intellectual and community. And finally the encounter as a strategy for training, reflection, planning and evaluation, which displays the action research paradigm consistent with the view, judge, act and evaluate. This dynamic transformation of school only makes sense when the student changes from user to protagonist of education and teaching, with energy, new strategies and new dynamic spirit.

Author Biographies

Luis Francisco Melo Rosero, Fundación Universitaria Claretiana

Licenciado en Teología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana; Técnico en Sistemas y Diseño Gráfico; Docente Liceo de la Merced Maridíaz; Docente de la Fundación Universitaria Claretiana.

Luis Hernán Miramag Chachinoy, Docente investigador independiente.

Licenciado en Teología; Especialista en Pedagogía e Investigación en la Educación Superior; Docente investigador independiente.


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How to Cite

Melo Rosero, L. F., & Miramag Chachinoy, L. H. (2013). Student leaders improving school interaction. Revista Criterios, 20(1), 67–79. Retrieved from


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